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The programming language for writing single page applications.

Mint has all the tools you need to write error free, easily readable and maintainable applications in record time.

component Counter {
  state counter = 0

  fun increment {
    next { counter: counter + 1 }

  fun decrement {
    next { counter: counter - 1 }

  fun render {
      <button onClick={decrement}>

        <{ Number.toString(counter) }>

      <button onClick={increment}>


In Mint you can style elements directly with CSS using style blocks.

Inside a style block you can nest as many sub selectors and media queries as you like.

Interpolate any Mint expressions in any value using the interpolation syntax: #{...}

You can even use if and case expressions inside any block to apply styles conditionally.

Styling Reference
component TodoItem {
  property color = "#333"
  property label = ""
  property done = false

  style base {
    align-items: center;
    display: flex;

  style label {
    font-weight: bold;
    color: #{color};
    flex: 1;

    if (done) {
      text-decoration: line-through;

  fun render {
        <{ label }>


Data Management

In Mint a store contains and manages some data.

Stores are globally accessible and can be connected to components.

When the data in a store changes the connected components are re-rendered.

Stores Reference
record Todo {
  label : String,
  done : Bool

store Todos {
  property items = [] of Todo

  fun add (todo : Todo) {
    next { items: Array.push(todo, items) }

  fun delete (todo : Todo) {
    next { items: Array.delete(todo, items) }

component TodoList {
  connect Todos exposing { add, delete }



In Mint routing is a language feature instead of a library.

Routes can be defined in a routes block, with support for typed path parameters.

The runtime handles clicks on anchor tags and navigates in a smart way so you don't have to.

Routing Reference
routes {
  / {

  /blog {

  /blog/:slug (slug : String) {

  * {

JavaScript Interoperability

You can inline any JavaScript code easily by using bacticks: `...`

There are constructs for helping converting values:

  • encode converts a typed value into a JavaScript object
  • decode converts a JavaScript object into a typed value

Interpolating Mint code in the inlined JavaScript can be done with the interpolation syntax: #{...}

Interop Reference
module MyFunctions {
  fun alert(message : String) : Promise(Never, Void) {
    (new Promise((resolve) => {

  fun decode : Maybe(TodoItem) {
    let object =
      `{ label: "Check out Mint!",
         done: false }`

    Result.toMaybe(decode object as TodoItem)

Batteries Included

Mint has all the features you need, built in:

  • Development Server
  • Code Formatter
  • Test Runner
  • Package Manager
  • Documentation Generator
  • Build Tool

Cli Reference
$ mint init my-awesome-project

Mint - Initializing a new project
⚙ Creating directory structure...
⚙ Writing initial files...
All done in 2.231ms!

$ mint start --auto-format

Mint - Running the development server
⚙ Ensuring dependencies... 181μs
⚙ Parsing files... 2.608ms
⚙ Development server started on

$ mint install

Mint - Installing dependencies
⚙ Constructing dependency tree...
  ✔ Cloned mint-codemirror (

⚙ Resolving dependency tree...
  ◈ mint-codemirror ➔ 6.0.0

⚙ Copying packages...
All done in 2.75s!

What are you waiting for?

Getting started with Mint is easy!